Trump Could Get Hit With Wire Fraud Charges Over Bogus Fundraising Scheme

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Published at : July 15, 2022

According to new reports, Donald Trump's fundraising schemes following the 2020 election look a lot like wire fraud, since the entity that they were raising money for didn't actually exist. Trump began sending out fundraising emails calling for donations to take the fight over the election to court, promising that the money would go to the "Election Defense Task Force," which didn't actually exist. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains how this scam worked.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

While seditious conspiracy may be one of the most obvious, uh, potential crimes that Donald Trump may have committed with regard to January 6th. There's other crimes that are really starting to rear their ugly heads right now, right? Witness tampering, obstruction of justice fraud against the us government. And now a new one that people are finally starting to listen to wire fraud and the wire fraud claims actually come from the fact that beginning, just several days after the presidential election, actually on the day, it was officially called for president Biden, Donald Trump and his team started sending out emails, telling people that you have to give us money for this election defense task force is what they called it in these emails that went out from the following weeks and months, they kept talking about the election defense task force, send us money for the election defense task force.

And we're gonna use that money. They make very clear in these emails. We're gonna use all of this money to challenge the 2020 election results in court, but Hey, we gotta have money to do it. So give to our election defense task force. So the problem with that of course, is that the election defense task force doesn't exist. All the money that people were donating went right into Donald Trump's political action committees. None of which is an election defense task force. Furthermore, as has been reported for well over a year, Donald Trump didn't spend a single dime of his money that he raised on any election challenges. All that money either came from the individuals filing the lawsuits or from outside groups, pumping money in to allow the lawsuits to be filed. Trump raised money. In other words, on false premises, which of course should be considered wire fraud here is what one former, uh, assistant us attorney for the middle district of Florida had to say about it.

It's not whether you know something. Absolutely for sure. It's, if it's quote, reasonably foreseeable to you, that people will believe promises and statements that you either know aren't true or are reckless or deceptive, which you are trying to use to get something of value. That's basically what they're talking about with regard to wire fraud. It doesn't matter if Donald Trump did or didn't believe the claims, right? It doesn't matter if he did or didn't intend to use the money for that. And then never got around to it. All that matters is that they knew the election defense task force of course was not real. And they knew that they were making stuff up to get people, to send them money. And they took the money. Now again, kind of seems like a pretty clear cut case of wire

Fraud. And if we were dealing with something, that's not a campaign finance issue, this probably would've already been prosecuted. You know, if I were to go out there, start a little, you know, charity and tell people, give me money so I can go save the sea turtles. And instead of saving the sea turtles, you send me money and I go buy a mega yacht. Actually that sounds like a fraud scheme. We've we've heard recently, right? With the, we build the wall people cuz they raise money saying we're gonna build the border wall. They raised tens of million Trump Could Get Hit With Wire Fraud Charges Over Bogus Fundraising Scheme
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