Buddha's Cousin: ANANDA - Explanation given by Vipassana Teacher S.N. Goenka.

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Published at : July 27, 2022

Renown Vipassana Teacher, Mr. S.N. Goenka gives a discourse where he discusses Buddha's first cousin & personal assistant, Ananda. In this talk he goes into detail on how Ananda played a crucial role in preserving the teachings of Buddha to what is now the Pali Canon.

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How to meditate Anapana meditation:
Sit crossed leg, neck and back straight, mouth gently closed. Observe your breath moving in and out of the nostrils. Keep your attention here for as long as possible, when it wanders away, bring it back. Keep bringing it back to the breath and observe.

All are welcome to participate.
Stay for 2 minutes or 2 hours, what ever you are comfortable with. When you are ready, increase your meditation sit by 1 minute. Keep on progressing, keep on trying.
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