10. NCF 2005, Constructivist Education, Child Centred Education, Progressive Education

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Published at : July 10, 2022

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10. NCF 2005, Constructivist Education, Child Centred Education, Progressive Education

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*Links of Notes and Previous Papers:*

All Previous Papers: http://bit.ly/2LjyRHI
KVS PRT 20 Test: http://bit.ly/394qmLF
CTET NCERT Pedagogy Books: http://bit.ly/3sDN3Of
IGNOU B.Ed. Books: http://bit.ly/3dRM0pJ
NIOS D.Ed. Books: http://bit.ly/2ZV7zgH
Nursery Teacher Study Material: https://bit.ly/3yik9a2
हिन्दी व्याकरण की पुस्तक: https://bit.ly/33KUt7Z

*Topper’s Video:*
Interview of DSSSB PRT (MCD) 1st Topper here: https://youtu.be/TB7Kb3mP-To
Interview of DSSSB PRT (MCD) 2nd Topper here: https://youtu.be/Ko9APiR7OFs

*Our Books:*

Pedagogy and Child Development Book (Bilingual): http://amzn.to/3y8AgcC
KVS PRT Test Series Book (Bilingual): https://amzn.to/3an4AlT
शिक्षाशास्त्र एवं बाल विकास पुस्तक (हिंदी में): https://amzn.to/3kZaEoR
Pedagogy and Child Development Book (in English): http://amzn.to/3jV2hJX
*More Books are under preparation and will be released soon.*

*Our Video Playlists:*

Psychology Videos: http://bit.ly/3anaR2M
Pedagogy Master Series Videos: http://bit.ly/2K8Wwwq
CTET Topper Series: https://bit.ly/307h14o
Pedagogy Universe Series: https://bit.ly/3ESSONY

*About Prateek Shivalik:*

Prateek Shivalik is the most famous Teacher Trainer from Delhi. He is working in the field of Teacher Training since 2012. Students even come from South India to study from him. He has trained thousands of teachers so far. He is so successful in Kendriya Vidyalaya Teaching Exam and Interview Preparation that you will find at least one teacher in every Kendriya Vidyalaya of India who was once a student of him. Test Series created by him are known for their quality and rated best in India by the students. His students have scored perfect 60/60 marks (100% score) in KVS Interview. His students have also got 1st and 2nd rank in DSSSB Exam. He himself has scored All India Rank 4 in KVS, All India Rank 3 in DSSSB, and is 7 Times CTET Topper. You can find him on Telegram and YouTube as well. He also run his paid courses through his Android App: Prateek Shivalik

*About the YouTube Channel:*

It is an educational channel, where you will professional guidance to prepare for teaching exams such as CTET, HTET, UPTET, REET, PSTET, UTET, MPTET, JTET, BTET, OTET, KTET, TNTET, DSSSB, AEES, KVS, NVS, SuperTET, State TET, M.Ed. Entrance, Special Education, Nursery Teacher exams etc.

Here Prateek Shivalik Sir cover multiple subjects such as Educational Psychology, Child Development and Pedagogy, Environmental Studies (EVS) Pedagogy, Social Sciences Pedagogy, Science Pedagogy, English Pedagogy, Hindi Pedagogy, Maths Pedagogy, and other subjects for all above mentioned teaching exams.

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NCF 2005Constructivist EducationChild Centred Education