Could This Bionic Glove Company Shake Hands On An Investment? | Dragons' Den
Published at : May 06, 2022
Mark Richardson, owner of Bionic Glove Technology Europe Ltd is seeking £100,000 for a 40% stake in his company. He's pitching a bionic glove that has the ability to be utilised for sports and gardening. The original invention was created by Dr. Jim Kleiner, an orthopedic hand surgeon.
An international sensation, Dragon's Den features entrepreneurs pitching for investment in the Den from our Dragons, five venture capitalists willing to invest their own money in exchange for equity.
#DragonsDen #CrazyPitches #Inventions
An international sensation, Dragon's Den features entrepreneurs pitching for investment in the Den from our Dragons, five venture capitalists willing to invest their own money in exchange for equity.
#DragonsDen #CrazyPitches #Inventions

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