World Famous MORENA GAJAK I Huge Variety of GAJAK Step by Step Making Only in Winters + Tasting

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Published at : December 25, 2021

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Gajak is a wintertime treat widely consumed in the northern and central parts of the country. And when we talk about this addictive sesame and jaggery based confection, the one place that comes to the forefront is Morena. Moreover it is available just for a span of four months between October and February.

So in today's episode we will introduce you to the fabled gajak from Morena that we had relished with our host Aman at two very popular places. The city is full of innumerable big and small establishments making these in different forms and shapes. First we visited Kamal Gajak Bhandar. Here we saw how this treat is made right from the scratch and realized how laborious the process is. The repeated stretching and pounding of the jaggery-sugar lump requires lots of muscular strength. Finally we got to taste the warm and nutty flavoured gajak bars and believe us they were heavenly.

After trying the classic gajak we reached Gopi Gajak Bhandar to taste some contemporary variations of this sweet. Dinesh Ji presented us some dry fruit gajak, chocolate gajak, rose gajak, feni and dry fruits roll. All of them were toothsome but the chocolate one was surprisingly amazing.

At the end of this exploration we realized how the water from Chambal river makes a marked difference to the taste of Gajak available here.

About the host - Anubhav Sapra

Anubhav Sapra is an avid culinary explorer who loves to travel and explore different cuisines primarily the street food, not just for the sake of gustatory pleasure but also for quenching his deep thirst for nurturing new cultural connections through the kaleidoscopic canvas of food. He believes that the vibrant and delectable street food tradition across the globe has the power to bring communities together and foster harmonious human existence.

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Design and filmed by Rahul Singh
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Text by Swetaleena Nayak World Famous MORENA GAJAK I Huge Variety of GAJAK Step by Step Making Only in Winters + Tasting