The 2 Tap Hand Cannon That YOU Have Access To.. (Blues aren't all bad)
Published at : December 04, 2021
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Blue Weapons aren't all bad; and I'm going to prove that to you.
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Clan: https://twitter.com/iAMCrucible
Redemption Guide: https://game2give.helpwise.help/articles/210180-how-do-i-redeem-my-destiny-2-items-after-donating
Blue Weapons aren't all bad; and I'm going to prove that to you.
Follow me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/benny
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShmurdaBenny
Use code "BENNY" on all EvolvePCs Purchases @ https://www.evolvepcs.gg/
Use code "BENNY" for 10% off all AdvancedGG Products @ https://advanced.gg/?ref=BENNY
Clan: https://twitter.com/iAMCrucible

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