Scientist Gave Old Mice Blood Component from Young Mice and They Lived Longer and Looked Younger

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Published at : November 03, 2021

A component of blood from young mice transformed the appearance and health of older mice. The discovery is part of aging and longevity research by Dr. Shin-ichiro Imai, MD, PhD, professor of developmental biology and medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. His focus is on a protein that performs a specific function. This enzyme, called NAMPT, nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase, is in our blood with levels that decline as we age. Imai is focused on the role of the enzyme as it’s contained in small particles called extracellular vesicles, or EV’s, circulating in our blood. This extracellular NAMPT, or eNAMPT, is linked to a key chemical regulating the aging process called NAD.

Imai conducted studies by taking eNAMPT from the blood of younger mice and injecting it into older mice. That’s when he said he began to observe something very exciting happening. The mice lived longer and looked younger.

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Dr. Shin-ichiro ImaiNADNAMPT