HOW TO remove Sharpie or Highlighter from Furniture or Clothes 💥

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Published at : November 04, 2021

Do you want to remove sharpie or highlighter from furniture or clothes? - Here I'll show you how it's easy - instructions!

Did you accidentally paint your furniture or clothes with a sharpie or highlighter and now you want to remove it? Then you should definitely watch this video, because here I show you how that works best! Permanent markers are waterproof, which means that you will not be able to remove them with a simple cloth. But there is a way to remove it again and how exactly that works, I show you now in this video.

On a piece of furniture, you can remove highlighter or sharpie, for example, very easily with deodorant or hairspray. You surely have that in the house! It is important, however, that alcohol must be contained in the ingredients, because this dissolves the highlighter again from your furniture. All you have to do is spray the sharpie or highlighter line on your furniture with deodorant or hairspray and let it soak in briefly. Then wipe it off with a cloth or cotton pad and the sharpie or highlighter mark will be gone in no time.

You could also use isopropanol instead, which is 99.9 percent rubbing alcohol! The cleaning works even better and you get the sharpie really removed from all possible surfaces. However, if you want to use this on your car, test it first on a spot that is not directly visible, just to be on the safe side.

If the highlighter is on your clothes, put the piece where the stain is in a bowl and pour the isopropanol over it. Wait 5-10 minutes and then wipe the stain with a toothbrush. Then hold once under hot water and rinse a little and then put once normally in the wash. After that, the sharpie stain should be gone from your clothes.

This is how easy it is to remove sharpie or highlighter from your clothes or furniture!

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#smartfox HOW TO remove Sharpie or Highlighter from Furniture or Clothes 💥
remove sharpieremove eddingremove highlighter