EU is out of time! Rishi Sunak breaks outdated EU regulations to usher in a financial boom
Published at : November 12, 2021
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Rishi Sunak's Brexit master plan breaks EU regulations to usher in a financial boom.
The UK left the EU 10 months ago, and in the meantime the UK, like the rest of the world, must prioritize the pandemic. Now that the UK is still continuing to come out of the Pandemic, it seems now is the time to do this. Planning with Brexit has always included our own laws and regulations. The EU is going after a lot of time and needs to update many of those aspects as well. The UK is currently a sovereign country, which means it will need its own laws to match the UK. RISHI SUNAK has proposed a vision of breaking EU rules to free up capacity for key UK services.
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Rishi Sunak's Brexit master plan breaks EU regulations to usher in a financial boom.
The UK left the EU 10 months ago, and in the meantime the UK, like the rest of the world, must prioritize the pandemic. Now that the UK is still continuing to come out of the Pandemic, it seems now is the time to do this. Planning with Brexit has always included our own laws and regulations. The EU is going after a lot of time and needs to update many of those aspects as well. The UK is currently a sovereign country, which means it will need its own laws to match the UK. RISHI SUNAK has proposed a vision of breaking EU rules to free up capacity for key UK services.
✅To watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/misslacibug/videos
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