3 Altcoin GEMS to watch out for!! (HUGE potential)

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Published at : November 13, 2021

Now is the perfect time to talk about 3 cryptocurrency gems to watch out for. These altcoin gems are coins we feel have huge potential and are going to take off to the moon especially where activity in the cryptocurrency scene are at all-time highs this month. The criteria for choosing these coins is that these coins have innovation, solid tech, and a strong community, however, they don’t have mass attention...yet.

0:00 Introduction
1:01 Play to earn project
3:56 NFT crypto project
5:59 Anti-DeFi Hacks
7:48 Conclusion

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I'm not a professional financial adviser and you should always do your own research. I may hold the cryptocurrencies talked about in the video. 3 Altcoin GEMS to watch out for!! (HUGE potential)