Why Should We Be Longing For Jesus' Appearing? | Derek Prince
Published at : October 06, 2021
This is part 1 in the short sermon series 'Longing For His Appearing' from Derek Prince called: 'Why Should We Be Longing?'
0:00 Finishing the race
09:39 We do not belong to this world
16:00 Promise of our resurrection
23:14 The whole universe will see who we are
29:11 Excitement about the Second Coming
34:23 The rapture
39:20 The world’s problems
51:04 The dream of Nebuchadnezzar
01:00:33 The problem of selfishness
01:13:40 Nature wait's eagerly for God's children to be revealed
4133, recorded in Midland, TX. January 1986.
0:00 Finishing the race
09:39 We do not belong to this world
16:00 Promise of our resurrection
23:14 The whole universe will see who we are
29:11 Excitement about the Second Coming
34:23 The rapture
39:20 The world’s problems
51:04 The dream of Nebuchadnezzar
01:00:33 The problem of selfishness
01:13:40 Nature wait's eagerly for God's children to be revealed
4133, recorded in Midland, TX. January 1986.

derek princesecond coming of jesus christsecond coming jesus