नारी ! तू नारायणी | ‘Nari Tu Narayani’ consists of a compilation of inspiring life

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Published at : October 24, 2021

नारी ! तू नारायणी | | Sant Shri  Asharamji Bapu |

संत श्री आशारामजी बापू के सत्संगों व शाश्त्रों पर आधारित सभी सत्साहित्य प्राप्त होगा
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Nari Tu Narayani
The position of women in Indian society is unique and dignified. Women in western countries are simply perceived as an object of enjoyment and the same filth is also being spread in India. The victims of this filth have firm belief in their minds that the woman in ancient India was frail and a slave to men, while women today are free; however, the reality is just the opposite. Whose slaves were the women like Sati Sāvitrī, Sati Anusūyā, Madālasā, Mā Shāradā et al? How can women like Gārgī, Maitreyī who attained the Brahmajnāna (Realisation of Brahman), be frail? If an Indian woman leads her life, following the glory of her ancient culture as her idol, then she can also become like these great women. The book ‘Nārī! Tū Nārāyaņī’ consists of a compilation of inspiring life sketches of ideal women, which will prove a great guide for young girls, adolescent girls, and women to infuse them with new zeal, right thinking and new spirit.
This book contains:
* Story of a self-restrained girl- Suyashā
* Spiritual wisdom of Queen Kalāwati having a mystical aura transformed her husband
* Maitreyī- the best inquisitive aspirant of Self-knowledge
* Scholar Gārgī- the seeker of Brahman
* An ascetic woman Shāndilī possessing incredible power
* Sati Sāvitrī – a devoted and chaste woman
* The spirit of devotion and chastity of Mother Sītā
* Draupadī- a distressed devotee
* Guņamanjari Devi possessing divine powers
* Karmāvati – a woman of discrimination
* True Beauty
* Phūlībāī – a treasure of Self-knowledge
* Unflinching faith of Ānandībāī
* Vātsalya Bhakti of Karmābāī
* Sādhvī Siramā
* Muktābāī beholding Vitthala (Krishna) everywhere
* Ratanbāī’s devotion to Guru
* Some inspiring life-events of Brahmalīna Shri Mā Mahangī Bā jī
* Mirabāī’s Devotion to Guru
* Princess Mallikā became a Tirthankara (Jain saint) Malliyanātha
* The brave mother of Durgādās
* Shyāmo devoted to Karma
* An embodiment of Power- Mā Ānandamayī
* Absence of absence
* The potential of Mā Anjanā नारी ! तू नारायणी |  ‘Nari Tu Narayani’ consists of a compilation of inspiring life