Police Dept. Used Meme Page For Derogatory Posts

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Published at : September 25, 2021

A police department used a meme page for derogatory posts. Dr. Rashad Richey discusses on Indisputable. Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Read more HERE: https://www.sfgate.com/news/bayarea/article/9-Officers-Disciplined-In-Investigation-Of-16469566.php

"Nine Oakland police officers have been disciplined in the wake of an investigation into what officials called "racist and sexist" posts on social media, the mayor's office said Friday."

Hosts: Dr. Rashad Richey, Wosny Lambre

Cast: Dr. Rashad Richey, Wosny Lambre


Indisputable, features Dr. Richey talking about the top news stories of the day, reading viewer comments, and engaging in debates and conversations with guests.

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210920__ID04 Police Dept. Used Meme Page For Derogatory Posts