How to bake pumpkin | stuffed Pumpkin | Desi Style stuffed pumpkin
Published at : September 03, 2021
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for watching the video. This video is Stuffed Pumpkin recipe. i recommend this one for vegetarians. it is stuffed with veggies and cheese. if you are a meat lover you can add any sort of meat and bake it for the same time as i shown.
it has all the description while the video is running.
if you have any questions please leave comment in comment section and i will answer as soon as possible.
Thank you
Thanks for watching the video. This video is Stuffed Pumpkin recipe. i recommend this one for vegetarians. it is stuffed with veggies and cheese. if you are a meat lover you can add any sort of meat and bake it for the same time as i shown.
it has all the description while the video is running.
if you have any questions please leave comment in comment section and i will answer as soon as possible.
Thank you

stuffed pumpkincovid cooking ideascooking ideas